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HomeOur Work

WE EDUCATE citizens about voting and elections.

WE DEFEND voting rights and election integrity.

WE ENGAGE citizens in democracy to improve our communities through voting and public policy education and advocacy.

Our work is accomplished by active committees led by LWVMC members and focuses on:

Voter Services/Citizen Education

We present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues.


We are nonpartisan, but, after study, we use our positions to advocate for or against particular policies in the public interest.


Nine dynamic teams provide voter education, registration and voting information to individuals, organizations and community institutions including but not limited to: schools, libraries, Naturalization ceremonies, Latinx voter outreach, senior and other institutions with a focus on reaching and engaging with those groups underrepresented in the voting population, and those groups facing barriers to voter registration and voting. These teams provide voter education and dissemination of information to the general public through voter registration drives, voter and election resources including training, printed materials and social media, candidate forums and Voter Guides (VOTE411).


League members engage in stimulating and informative discussions about current societal issues which include League Cafe Book Club, Lunch and Learn, International Relations Committee - Great Decisions.


These activities provide administrative support to enable ongoing League work.


The League engages in nonpartisan issue advocacy in the public interest. Priorities are determined by member interests. The League, and individual members, work to implement LWV-adopted positions on issues. Strategies include: contacting state and local government officials; testifying at public hearings, using public forums and the media, holding panel discussions, and writing in League publications.


Our League relies on the talents and dedication of those members willing to take on greater responsibilities.


Many of the committees listed here are also actively seeking volunteers.

Visit our Volunteer 
page to learn more
and to get involved.

Detailed committee info is available to members. When you click the button above, you will be required to login. You will then be directed to the appropriate page.


Our Lifetime Members reflect on the rewards of volunteer service with the League of Women Voters


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Contact Us

(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750