the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit political organization that:
● Encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government
● Works to increase understanding of major public policy issues
● Influences public policy through education and advocacy
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization. It
does not support or oppose candidates for public office in any election, take a stand for or against a political party or issue “score cards” with candidates’ positions on an issue, which may imply endorsement. The League may take action on public policy positions established through a process of member study and agreement.This nonpartisan policy protects the League’s reputation and tax status.
League members must reflect the League’s nonpartisanship at all times when in public as an LWV volunteer and at all League-sponsored events, where even in our personal conversations, we must refrain from making comments that could be construed to be partisan.
Acknowledging that discussions at program committee meetings may entail deeply political topics, it is incumbent on League leadership at those meetings to review and remind attendees of relevant LWV positions related to the topic and to encourage all to express their thoughts in a manner that refrains from partisan framing of issues. Specific advice on fostering fruitful nonpartisan discussions shall be included in new member and board/leader orientations.
The League believes that political parties are essential to the American system of government and that the participation of informed citizens is of utmost importance. Consequently, the League encourages its members, as individuals, to be active in public policy issue advocacy, in the political parties, in finding and supporting candidates for public office, and to seek election to public office.
League members are encouraged,
as individuals, to attend and participate in meetings of governmental bodies. However, only those members named as representatives of the League by the board or the President may participate in the name of the League. The President is the official spokesperson of the League. All official League communications, publications and public action should be cleared with the President. In order to preserve the nonpartisan character of the League, the President and Vice Presidents shall refrain from any partisan activities during their terms of office.
The Board has the responsibility to maintain the nonpartisanship of the organization. The President and Vice Presidents
may not:
● Run for or hold a partisan political office.
● Hold an office in a political party or in an organization that supports or endorses political candidates.
● Circulate or sign candidates' nominating petitions or circulate recall petitions.
● Publicly endorse (e.g. yard signs) or host a fundraiser for a candidate for any elected office.
● Attend fundraising events or make campaign contributions for any partisan or nonpartisan race.
Board members may not:
● Indicate their political affiliations or candidate preferences in the media, including social media networking sites or other public venues that identify her/him as a member of the LWVMC Board.
[See Social Media Guidelines below.]
Advocacy Guidelines
Advocacy guidelines apply to all members and non-members engaged in LWVMC advocacy activities. Adherence to the following guidelines further protects the League’s nonpartisan reputation and 501(c)(3) tax status.
Advocacy for established LWV positions is permitted at educational or community outreach events
● All statements must be nonpartisan. This includes language, printed materials, clothing, etc.
● It is good practice to indicate that external speakers at League public events do not speak on behalf of the League.
● League positions on the issues must be referenced.
● Tables for voter education and registration assistance may be made available before and after the event. Advocacy is not permitted at Voter Registration events.
● However, LWVMC may provide membership brochures, event calendars, and the QRcode that takes people to the League website where they can learn more about the League.
Social Media Guidelines
Nonpartisanship also applies to personal social media accounts, and to League social media accounts. Board members and officers are advised to follow these guidelines.
Visibility on Social Media
● Because on most platforms, not only what you post is visible, but what you like is visible, treat them as if they are things you yourself are posting.
● Even if your post is set to only share with close friends or your account is privatized, never assume your post can't be seen.
● Don't feed the trolls. Social media is not the place to prove your point in an argument.
● When you're unsure, act as if your account is the League of Women Voters. How would you want the League to be seen?
Recommendations for Personal Accounts
● If you are a spokesperson for LWVMC, treat your social media account as a professional one and that you act as a representative of your League on that account.
Being Political but Not Partisan on Social Media It is acceptable to:
● Retweet politicians when their tweets align with LWV advocacy.
● Refrain from retweeting or sharing any candidate posts once someone has declared their candidacy for an office.
● Have your own political opinions, but be careful if they differ from those of the organization as you are a representative of the League.
● Tag and call on politicians to take action that aligns with our advocacy, or for them to fill out voter guides.
It is not acceptable to:
● Respond to politicians directly on social media.
● Call out a party as good or bad.
● Advocate for how people should vote on candidates.
● Retweet or share a political party’s post.