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HomeAbsentee and In-Person Voting Info

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Voting by Absentee Ballot
Voting by Absentee Ballot
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Who Can Vote Absentee?
Who Can Vote Absentee?


Under Wisconsin law, voters do not need a reason or excuse, such as being out of town on Election Day, to vote absentee. Any voter who prefers to vote by absentee ballot may request one. 

If you are not already registered, you will need to register to vote before an absentee ballot can be sent to you. A new voter registration application is required any time you move (even minor changes such as apartment units), change your name, or if you have not voted in the past four years.

*Info gathered from the Milwaukee Election Commission website

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What Type of ID is Required to Vote Absentee?
What Type of ID is Required to Vote Absentee?


Unless you are a military voter, permanently overseas, or are indefinitely confined, you must provide the Election Commission with a copy of your photo ID to keep on file. If you are not sure if you have an ID on file already, contact the Election Commission by emailing The address on the ID does not need to be current. For a list of acceptable photo IDs, visit BringIt Wisconsin.

Voters who are indefinitely confined (meaning they have difficulty getting to the polls due to age, illness, infirmity, or disability) may request a ballot be sent to them for every election by checking the box on the application. Indefinitely confined voters are not required to provide photo ID. 

*Info gathered from the Milwaukee Election Commission website

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What Are the Absentee Ballot Voting Deadlines?
What Are the Absentee Ballot Voting Deadlines?


Applications for absentee ballots must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the election. 

*Info gathered from the Milwaukee Election Commission website


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How do I Request an Absentee Ballot?
How do I Request an Absentee Ballot?


By Mail: Download the Application for Absentee Ballot. Complete the form and mail it with a copy of your photo ID (if not previously provided) to: Election Commission, 200 E Wells St Room 501, Milwaukee, WI 53202. 


By Email: send an email ( with a copy of your photo ID attached (if not previously provided). If you do not attach the Application for Absentee Ballot to your email, please provide the following information in the text of your email:

Your Full Name

Voting Address

Specific election for which you would like a ballot or if you are requesting for the calendar year

Mailing address (if it is different from your voting address)

Online: applications can be submitted online at MyVote. This is the fastest method of request for indefinitely confined and military voters.  


Fax: you may fax your Application for Absentee Ballot to (414) 286-8445. Faxed photo IDs must be legible; we recommend lightening the ID on a copier before faxing it. 

*Info gathered from the Milwaukee Election Commission website 

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Voting In-Person
Voting In-Person
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Where Do I Register to Vote?
Where Do I Register to Vote?


Wisconsin law requires every qualified voter to maintain a current voter registration before voting in an election. Therefore, you must complete a voter registration application if you are a new Wisconsin voter, your name and/or residential address has changed since you last registered to vote, or if you have not voted in the past four (4) years.

If you are uncertain of your voter registration name, address or status, you can go to My Vote Wisconsin and select "Regular Voter" to look up your voter record.

The City of Milwaukee provides five (5) opportunities for completing and updating your voter registration: by mail, online and at any Milwaukee Public Library, at City Hall or at your voting site on Election Day. Do not forget to include your proof of residence documentation when registering to vote! See below for acceptable proof of residence documents.



Download and print the Voter Registration Application. Once complete, you may mail the application along with a copy of your proof of residence document to:


City of Milwaukee Election Commission

200 East Wells, Room 501

Milwaukee, WI 53202


Registrations by mail must be postmarked prior to the close of registration date for each election.



If you have a Wisconsin drivers license or Wisconsin state identification card, you may register to vote online and do not need to mail in any additional documentation. Registering to vote online is a two-step process:

  • First, your information must be current with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Have you updated your address with the DMV? If not, first update your address for free on the DMV’s website. Name changes cannot be completed online with the DMV; you must go to a DMV office in order to complete the name change.
  • Second, once your address and name are up-to-date with the DMV, go to MyVote in order to update your voter registration.  Your voter registration information is not updated until you go to MyVote and complete the registration process.



All Milwaukee Public Libraries have voter registration stations and library staff to assist you with completing the voter registration process during regular hours of operation. View a list of Milwaukee Public Library branches



You may register to vote at the office of the Election Commission, Room 501, City Hall, 200 East Wells. Office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:45 p.m.



You may register and vote at your voting site on any Election Day. Locate your voting site using your current home address.


Any person registering to vote and voting on Election Day must have lived at their current address for at least 28 days before the election with no present intent to move and must provide an acceptable proof of residence document from the list below.


2013 Wisconsin Act 182 went into effect on April 4, 2014. Act 182 requires that ALL voters provide a document establishing their proof of residence as part of the voter registration application. The requirement applies to all electors who are not military or permanent absentee voters. Any document used as a proof of residence MUST include:

  • Your current and complete name
  • Your current and complete residential address
  • A visible account or document number (if applicable)

AND must be from one of the following proof of residence document types:


  • A current and valid Wisconsin driver’s license.
  • A current and valid Wisconsin identification card.
  • Any other official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit.
  • Any identification card issued by an employer in the normal course of business and bearing a photo of the card holder, but not including a business card.
  • A real estate tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election.
  • A gas, electric or telephone service statement (utility bill) for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before Election Day.
  • A bank, credit card, or other account statement issued by any financial institution.
  • Paycheck.
  • A check or other document or official correspondence issued by a unit of government (this includes official mail from a public high school or state college or university, such as MPS or UW-Milwaukee).
  • A university, college, or technical college identification card (must include photo) ONLY if the voter provides a fee receipt dated within the last 9 months or the institution provides a certified housing list to the municipal clerk.
  • A residential lease which is effective for a period that includes the registration date (cannot be used when registering by mail)

**Please note: you are able to redact (black out) private information such as account balances or transactions on your proof of residence document. However, the last four (4) digits of your account number (if applicable), name and address must remain visible.

For a list of examples, see Voter Registration Packet.

*Information taken from the City of Milwaukee's website. For more information, click here

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Where Do I Go to Vote on Election Day?
Where Do I Go to Vote on Election Day?


To find your polling location to vote in-person on election day in the City of Milwaukee, visit the City of Milwaukee's website "Where Do I Vote?" page and enter your current address.

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Where Can I View a Sample Ballot Pre-Election?
Where Can I View a Sample Ballot Pre-Election?


To view a sample ballot before election day in the City of Milwaukee, visit the City of Milwaukee's website "Where Do I Vote?" page and enter your current address. Once completed, scroll down and select "Sample Ballot" highlighted in blue on the left hand side.

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What Type of ID Is Required to Vote In-Person?
What Type of ID Is Required to Vote In-Person?

These are acceptable for voting purposes, and can be unexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election:

  • A Wisconsin DOT-issued driver license, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended, with or without a star in the right-hand corner.
  • A Wisconsin DOT-issued identification card, with or without a star in the right-hand corner.
  • A Wisconsin DOT-issued identification card or driver license without a photo issued under the religious exemption
  • Military ID card issued by a U.S. uniformed service
  • A U.S. passport
  • An identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin (May be used even if expired before the most recent general election.)
  • A photo identification card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university or college that contains date of issuance, signature of student, and an expiration date no later than two years after date of issuance. (May be used even if expired before the most recent general election.)
  • If the university or college ID is expired, the student ID must be accompanied by a separate document that proves current enrollment.

These photo IDs are also acceptable for voting purposes, but must be unexpired:

  • NEW: A veteran’s photo identification card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the federal Department of Veterans Affairs
  • A certificate of naturalization that was issued not earlier than two years before the date of an election at which it is presented
  • A driving receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
  • An identification card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
  • A temporary identification card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT through the Identification Petition Process (IDPP) (valid for 60 days)

Important things to know:

  • There is no such thing as a "Wisconsin Voter ID Card." The new Voter Photo ID Law uses existing photo IDs for people to prove their identity before voting.
  • The address on your ID doesn’t have to be current. And the name on your ID doesn’t need to be an exact match for your name in the poll book. (So, Richards who go by Rich, Bobs who are also Roberts and Susans with IDs for Sue can all relax.)
  • Of course, there are certain requirements. Your ID should look like you. Even if you’ve colored your hair, shaved your beard or lost some weight, as long as your photo ID reasonably resembles you, it should be accepted.


You can also visit our Voting Info and Resources page to find more information on how to get a free ID for voting by clicking here

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Additional Resources in English
Additional Resources in English
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Glossary of Elected Positions & WI Supreme Court Fact Sheet
Glossary of Elected Positions & WI Supreme Court Fact Sheet

What are our elected officials responsible for? The glossary gives a brief description of what 2020 elected positions on the ballot including national, state and county offices  -  Available in quantities Glossary of Elected Offices- English

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MyVote Smartphone Voting Facts Card
MyVote Smartphone Voting Facts Card

This all purpose voter information card is the size of Smartphone and provides direct links to all the information on the My Vote Online Voter Registration and Voter Information site. The card illustrates the accessibility of online registration on mobile devices in addition to laptops and/or computers.  A QR code on the reverse side connects a phone or device directly to the website. The back side also provides links to other important voting resources such as information on photo ID for voting, the DMV, Vote411, the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County. Community Smartphone Card

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Proof of Residence and Identity Documents
Proof of Residence and Identity Documents

Proof of Residence documents acceptable for voter registration; Proof of Residence 

Proof of Identity (Photo ID) documents acceptable for voting; Proof of Identity documents acceptable for voting 

Get a Free WI State ID for Voting (if you have never had a WI ID or Driver License) Get FREE ID.

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Voting from College
Voting from College

Going away to University, Tech, or Community College? Vote Absentee! This flyer will tell you all you need to know to register to vote and vote on election day.

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Additional Resources in Spanish
Additional Resources in Spanish
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Glosaria de posiciones elegidas
Glosaria de posiciones elegidas

Glosario ofrece una breve descripción de lo que todas las elecciones que aparecen en la boleta de primavera y otoño 2020 incluyen:  nacionales, estatales y del condado - Disponible en cantidades Glosaria de posiciones elegidas

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Mi Voto Smartphone Card
Mi Voto Smartphone Card

Resalta la información en el sitio web MyVote tal como aparece en un teléfono inteligente; proporciona códigos QR para conectarse directamente desde el teléfono a MyVote y cambio de dirección del DMV; proporciona enlaces a importantes recursos de votación, que incluyen: identificación para votar, DMV; Vote411 Voter Guide y dónde llamar para pedir ayuda  Mi Voto Tarjeta de Smartphone

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Additional Resources in Hmong
Additional Resources in Hmong
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Hmong Information Flyer (English & Hmong)
Hmong Information Flyer (English & Hmong)

Basic voter registration and voting information in English and Hmong - Available in quantities Hmong Voter Outreach Flyer 

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Community Resources
Community Resources
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Contact Voter Services at LWVMC
Contact Voter Services at LWVMC

If you need assistance or have any questions related to voting in Wisconsin, please contact the LWVMC Voter Services team.


Phone: (414) 273-8683

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Contact Disability Rights WI Voter Hotline
Contact Disability Rights WI Voter Hotline


Phone: 1-844-347-8683 / 1-844-DIS-VOTE

Website: Disability Vote WI

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Official Government Resources
Official Government Resources
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Voter Guides
Voter Guides

Proof of Residence: Elderly, Ex-Felons, College students and others

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Photo ID & Other Documents
Photo ID & Other Documents

WI Photo ID acceptable documents & other information

Free Photo ID for voting info including link to the DMV with application instructions

DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069 ; Find the nearest DMV

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Wisconsin & Milwaukee Election Commissions
Wisconsin & Milwaukee Election Commissions

Wisconsin Election Commission

Phone: 1-866-VOTE-WIS 


Milwaukee Election Commission

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Find My Municipal Clerk
Find My Municipal Clerk

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Contact Us

(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750