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2025 Election Dates

Feb.18 Primary Election ✴ April 1 Spring Election 


Wisconsin voters will have an opportunity to vote in a statewide primary on

Tuesday, February 18.


Here’s what will be on ballots in Milwaukee County:


  • State Superintendent of Public Instruction (state’s top educational official)
  • City of Milwaukee – Alderperson, District 3
  • Oak Creek-Franklin School District – School Board Members

Vote Early In Person
  Tuesday 2/4 to Saturday 2/15

2025 Spring Primary & Special Election Primary for Aldermanic District 3


Outside of the City of Milwaukee, check with your local election clerk.

Run into problems or have questions about the voting process?

Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE 
Spanish/English 888-VE-Y-VOTA 
Asian Languages/English 888-API-VOTE Arabic/English 844-YALLA-US

  | Wisconsin Voter Helpline: 608-285-2141 | Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline: 1-844-347-8683

Accordion Widget
Recruit Poll Workers
Recruit Poll Workers
 Please spread the word about the need for poll workers – our election heroes! The toolkit below has material you can use to send information to your friends, neighborhood businesses, churches, health clubs – wherever civic-minded citizens hang out. LWVWI 2024-25 Poll Worker Recruitment Toolkits 
Accordion Widget
Recruit Election Observers
Recruit Election Observers
Training on Oct. 24, 6-8 pm LWVWI and Election Protection recruit observers and publish a report after each election. They are seeking volunteers to be trained as Election Observers and placed in polling places in specific areas around the state. Training is provided, and the program is open to non-members. Observers need to be available to volunteer for a minimum of 2 hours on Election Day. Election observers will also need a cell phone to use while volunteering and their own transportation to and from their assigned polling location. Election Observation Program Goals: to be sure there is no disenfranchisement to monitor the voter experience - including registration and showing ID to monitor the absentee ballot counting process to track any problems that can be fixed for future elections LWVWI training webinar is Oct. 24, 6-8 pm.
Register here. 
 Learn more here.
Accordion Widget
Promote the Facts
Promote the Facts
Encourage your friends and family to visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.  The site includes fact checks about rumors, FAQs about election administration, and videos and other information about how elections are conducted in our state.
Talk it up! 
Another great resource to combat lies and rumors is the Brennan Center's Election Rumors page.


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Contact Us

(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750